If you are a beauty lover and you love beauty products, you would want to spend your entire money on them! We understand your pain. The best place to buy them is always at the airport as there are many products of all kinds there. If you stay near the airport, all the more reason… Continue reading The Best Place To Buy Top Beauty Products – The Airport!
How Coffee Can Be Good for Your Liver
How Coffee Can Be Good For Your Liver Protecting your liver at all times should be one of your life goals. After all, your liver is quite important that when it gets defective, it can affect your life expectancy. There are so many possible ways that can possibly damage your liver and at times, you… Continue reading How Coffee Can Be Good for Your Liver
Learn about the Symptoms of a Liver Cyst
Learn about the Symptoms of a Liver Cyst A person will not right away know if he has a liver cyst. This is because when the cyst is still too small, it will not cause any symptoms. However, as it grows, it will start to produce discomforts. Thus, when this happens, one is advised to… Continue reading Learn about the Symptoms of a Liver Cyst
Why Buy A Property and Settle in Malaysia
Why Buy a Property and Settle in Malaysia Do you have a friend who is not living in the same place as he used to be? As of now, you only interact in Facebook or any other social media platform? I am pretty sure you do and right now, your friend is already settled in… Continue reading Why Buy A Property and Settle in Malaysia
Lemon & Milk Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Homemade Face Mask
Lemon & Milk Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Homemade Face Mask Cleopatra definitely knew what she was doing when she filled her tub with milk and bathed in it. Milk is a natural source of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), and AHAs are commonly used in skincare to reduce wrinkles or signs of aging, and improving overall skin texture… Continue reading Lemon & Milk Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Homemade Face Mask
Miacare Acne Patch Review
Miacare Acne Patch Review Why did they not discover acne patches earlier?!!! WHYYY?!! I could’ve gone through a blissful and happy teenage life completely pimple-free, and not having to panic when it’s photo day and a huge zit has just popped up overnight.
7 Dry Shampoos You Can Buy In Malaysia
7 Dry Shampoos You Can Buy In Malaysia My hair does not have a good relationship with the humid weather in tropical Malaysia. Despite washing it EVERY single day, my hair still manages to look like a pile of greasy, oily mess as I get off work. Not cool if I have to work late, since it starts… Continue reading 7 Dry Shampoos You Can Buy In Malaysia
9 Heavenly Handmade Soaps In Malaysia You Need To Try Right Now
9 Heavenly Handmade Soaps In Malaysia You Need To Try Right Now Did you know that most commercial soaps are basically detergents? Yes. Detergents. You know, like what you use to wash your clothes. Commercial soaps are harsh, drying and strips your skin of the natural oils that protect, heal and moisturise your skin. This is… Continue reading 9 Heavenly Handmade Soaps In Malaysia You Need To Try Right Now
Making The Switch From Chemical To Natural Products
In this day and age I believe most, if not ALL of us, are actively trying to minimise and reduce the amount of toxins in our life – be it in our food, water, air (and even social circle!). One area that most people tend to overlook is that toxins can be absorbed into our… Continue reading Making The Switch From Chemical To Natural Products
7 Things You Need To Know About Popping Pimples
Regretfully, I’m a bit of a goody-two-shoes. I never speed up at yellow traffic lights, I pay all my bills on time, and I religiously dot all my i’s and cross all my t’s. But when it comes to pimples, I somehow lose all sense and sensibility. Whenever a huge pimple stares back at me,… Continue reading 7 Things You Need To Know About Popping Pimples
5 Natural Deodorants You Can Buy In Malaysia
5 Natural Deodorants You Can Buy In Malaysia Sweating is completely normal, but no lady wants to smell bad. Ever. And in hot, humid Malaysia, trying not to sweat is like searching for water in the desert. Deodorants are a great way to battle foul-smelling underarms. They help kill off the bacteria that’s multiplying in your… Continue reading 5 Natural Deodorants You Can Buy In Malaysia
Disappearing Makeup? 3 c Tricks That Will Save The Day
Disappearing Makeup? 3 c Tricks That Will Save The Day Do you suffer from Disappearing Makeup Syndrome (DMS)? You know, the condition where you spend a huge chunk of your time in the morning primping and prepping, only to find all your hard work disappearing by lunch time? Because I do. My makeup slides EASILY off my… Continue reading Disappearing Makeup? 3 c Tricks That Will Save The Day
4 Surprising Habits That Are Causing Your Breakouts
4 Surprising Habits That Are Causing Your Breakouts We always find a reason to blame our breakouts on – be it the weather, stress or skincare products! But did you ever look in the mirror and think for a second that it could be YOU who is causing all your breakouts? Shocking, we know!
9 Things You’re Probably Doing Wrong When You Wash Your Face
9 Things You’re Probably Doing Wrong When You Wash Your Face So, you think you know how to wash your face? I certainly thought I did. After all, this was something that I’ve been doing nearly my whole, entire life. I mean, I know I have troubles drawing the perfect, balanced cat-eye, and I mess up… Continue reading 9 Things You’re Probably Doing Wrong When You Wash Your Face